Effects of Self-Management Promotion Program on Health Behaviors and Blood Pressure Among Early Elderly with Hypertension
early elderly, hypertension, self-managementAbstract
The purpose of this quasi-experimental research was to study the effects of the self-management promotion program on health behaviors and blood pressure among early elderly with hypertension. The sample were 50 early elderly patients with hypertension, who had blood pressure between 120/80 and 159/99 mmHg and received medical treatments from the sub-district health-promoting hospital in Nakhon Panom province.The sample were assigned into the control and experimental groups, which included 25 patients in each group. The control group received routine nursing care, whereas the experimental group received the self-management promotion program for 8 weeks. The data were collected by using the health behaviors of the hypertension patient questionnaire and sphygmomanometer. Data were analyzed by using the descriptive statistics, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, and the Mann – Whitney U test.
The results revealed that the mean scores of health behaviors and those of the experimental group after receiving the intervention were higher than those of before receiving the intervention and the mean scores of the control group. The statistical significance (p-value < .001) and mean blood pressure after the experiment were lower than before the experiment, and the mean blood pressure of the control group had statistical significance (p-value < .001)
Therefore, the self-management promotion program can change health behaviors and reduce blood pressure levels of early elderly with hypertension and can be further applied to promote self-care in the elderly with hypertension.
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