Factors Related to Falls of the Elderly in Rural Communities, Mahasarakham Province
factors, fall, elderly, rural communitiesAbstract
Objective: to examine the factors related to falls of the elderly in rural communities, Mahasarakham Province.
Methods: the study was conducted on 374 elderlies over 60 years of age from August to September 2020. The research measurements are 1) general questionnaire 2) fall in the elderly questionnaire 3) biological data assessment form and 4) internal and external environmental assessment form. Reliabilities were ranging from .71 to .99. The SPSS was used for data analysis, descriptive statistics for qualitative data and Chi-Square tests for correlation analysis with p-value < .05.
Results: 5.30 % of participants had an experience of fall during past 6 months for 1-2 times. Factors analysis related to a fall of the elderly have found that the experience of accident on legs and feet, psychological problem, use more than 4 medicines, use stairs, use balancing equipment, an inappropriate environment, a squat toilet, bedroom on upper floor and bathroom is located outside the house are related to falls in the elderly in rural communities with p-value < .05, < .01. From the results of this study, is a guideline for caring for the elderly to prevent falls in rural communities.
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