Effects of a Family Caregivers’ Capacity Building Program by Telenursing on Practices of Post - Stroke Care and Activities of Daily Life of the Stroke Patients
capacity building, family caregivers, telenursing, post - stroke care, activities daily of lifeAbstract
This quasi - experimental research aimed to study the effect of a capacity building program delivered by telenursing to family caregivers of post - stroke patients. A total of 30 pairs of post - stroke patients and their family member caregivers were randomly recruited to the study based on the inclusion criteria. The experimental group received the intervention that consisted of a four - weeks program via once - a - week telephone and video calls. The control group received only routine care from the hospital. Data collection related to the family caregivers’ practices of post - stroke care and the patients’ activities of daily living (ADLs) were evaluated at the baseline immediately after the intervention and again at 3 - months follow - up. Statistical analysis included chi - square test, Fisher’s exact test, two - way repeated measures’ analysis of variance, and Bonferroni test.
The results of this study revealed that the mean scores of post - stroke care practices of family caregivers in the experimental group (M = 25.60, SD = 2.57) significantly improved as compared to those in the control group (p <. 001). ADLs among the stroke patients in the experimental group significantly increased over time (M = 43.13, SD = 15.55) and were higher than those in the control group at immediately after the intervention and at 3 - month follow - up (p < .001).
In conclusion, the family caregivers’ capacity building program by telenursing can improve family caregivers’ stroke care practices to be more suitable and can improve the activities of daily of life of stroke patients.
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