Factors Affecting Physical Activity and Social Participation Among Stroke Patients Based in an Urban Community, Nakhon Rachasima Province
physical activity and social participation, stroke, urban communityAbstract
The purpose of this predictive correlational study was to examine the predicting factors of physical activity and social participation among stroke patients. The sample included 223 stroke patients in an urban community in Nakhon Rachasima Province. Samples were selected according to purposive criteria. Data were collected between September 2019 and May, 2021.
The research instruments consisted of a self-reporting questionnaire consisting of 1) Socio-demographic and Health Status, 2) Stroke Impact Scale, 3) Rehabilitation Self-efficacy, 4) Rehabilitation Skill Scale, 5) Environmental Factors Scale, 6) Physical Activity and Social Participation, and 7) Knowledge of Rehabilitation Scale. Data were analyzed using descriptive data and Stepwise multiple regression statistics.
The results revealed that the predictive factors on physical activity and social participation were the stroke impact score, self-efficacy, rehabilitation skill and muscle, and ability to explain at 77% of variance. These factors should be used in developing activities/ programs to increase physical activity and social participation for a rehabilitation system among stroke patients.
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