A Development of Virtual Reality Media on Drug Administration for Nursing Students
virtual reality media, drug administration, nursing studentsAbstract
This study aimed to 1) develop virtual reality media on drug administration for nursing students and 2) compare the students’ knowledge before and after using this media. The processes included studying situations, developing virtual reality media, and comparing knowledge before and after use of the media between an experimental group and a control group. The sample consisted of 40 students selected via purposive sampling. The instrument consisted of virtual reality media on drug administration for nursing students and a drug administration knowledge questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the effectiveness index and paired t-tests.
The results showed: 1) virtual reality media on drug administration for nursing students included drug administration content according to the principle of 10 Rs in drug administration, a simple-to-use menu, concise content, questions with answers, and ubiquitous availability. The effectiveness index (E1/E2) was found to be 64.94/72.96. 2) The knowledge of the experimental group after using the virtual reality media was statistically higher than before (p < .05). In conclusion, virtual reality media on drug administration affected the knowledge of nursing students. As such, virtual reality media could be appropriate for the self-directed learning of nursing students. Future research should study and develop various virtual reality media for nursing students in all nursing areas.
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