The Role of Nurse Practitioners in Primary Health Care Services for Homeless Persons: A Pilot Project of Thai Red Cross Health Station No. 2 (Sukumal Anamai) Bangkok


  • Sirilak Pitakwongsaporn Thai Red Cross Health Station No. 2 (Sukumal Anamai) Bangkok, Relief and Community Health Bureau, The Thai Red Cross Society, Bangkok, Thailand 10200


role of nurse, homeless persons, primary health care services, pilot project


Homeless persons are those without a permanent residence or sufficient income. They exist in a state of hardship, are unable to rely on others, and resort to a transient lifestyle or use public places as temporary sleeping accommodations. Homelessness is not only a personal problem for homeless persons but also impacts society, the economy, public health, and the mental state of people in the community. Bangkok is the province of Thailand with the largest number of homeless persons, and this number is likely to increase in the future.

Care for homeless persons in Bangkok is a collaborative effort between the government, private sector, foundations, and volunteers. The Thai Red Cross Health Station No. 2 (Sukumal Anamai) in Bangkok provides access to primary health care services for homeless persons. Nurses have a key role in this process, as they are responsible for exploring, collecting and organizing data, providing healthcare, offering health education, advocating for their rights, promoting social support, coordinating services, providing counseling, and contributing to academic research and systematic knowledge.

This article aims to provide knowledge about homeless persons and the role of nurse practitioners in primary health care services for homeless persons; this includes a pilot project being implemented as an example that could lead to the development of operational guidelines for those interested in solving problems and promoting the quality of life for homeless persons.


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