Effects of Meditation Therapy Program towards Reducing Blood Pressure Level among Individuals with Pre-hypertensive

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Julaporn Hetthong
Boonserm Tongchouy


The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to determine effects of meditation therapy program towards reducing blood pressure level among individuals with pre-hypertensive. Samples were individuals who were receiving hypertensive screening program and met inclusion criteria such as 1) aged greater than 35 years, 2) had systolic blood pressure ranged 140 – 179 mm/hg and diastolic blood pressure ranged 90 – 109 mm/hg and 3) resided in Khoksai Sub-district, Pabon District, Phatthalung Province more than 6 months. The samples were purposively selected into 2 groups such as 30 cases in the intervention group and 30 cases in control group. The meditation therapy program was performed in intervention group and the standardized health behavior modification program was performed in control group. The duration of those programs were 8 weeks. The outcomes of this study were knowledge, belief and health behavior regarding to hypertension; systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Demographic characteristics were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Knowledge, belief and health behavior regarding to hypertension; systolic and diastolic blood pressure were compared between group using student’s t-test and within group using paired t-test. Results revealed that subjects who were in the intervention group had statistically significant higher score of knowledge (Mean difference = 3.23; 95%CI: 2.58, 3.89), belief (0.83; 0.18, 1.48) and health behavior (10.30; 9.35, 11.25) regarding hypertension after receiving intervention. As well, subjects who were in the intervention group had statistically significant lower systolic blood pressure (-28.30; -35.56, -21.04) and diastolic blood pressure (-14.27; -20.04, -8.50) after receiving intervention. In addition, it revealed that subjects who were in the intervention group had statistically significantly lower systolic blood pressure (-7.78; -14.12, -1.44) and diastolic blood pressure (-5.09; -9.42, -0.76), comprared to control group. Results suggested that health profession who had responsible of non-communicable clinic should promote and support the meditation therapy program to individuals with pre-hypertensive from screening in order to prevent and surveillance to hypertensive illness in further.

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How to Cite
Hetthong J, Tongchouy B. Effects of Meditation Therapy Program towards Reducing Blood Pressure Level among Individuals with Pre-hypertensive. Health Sci J Thai [internet]. 2019 Sep. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];1(1):43-9. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HSJT/article/view/197036
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