Model Development of Supervision in Public Health by Applied Public Sector Management Quality Award (PMQA) in Yala Provincial Health Office

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Suchat Ananta


The purposes of study aimed to 1) analyze the situation of the performance and problem of supervision, 2) develop model and 3) evaluate the effectiveness of supervision model. The informants were following; 3 executives, 15 supervisors and 15 staff. The process of the study consisted of 4 steps including; 1) situation analysis of the performance and problem of supervision, 2) model development, and 3) application and 4) evaluation of the model. The study was performed between October, 2018 and September, 2019. The data were collected using the participatory observation, in-depth interview, focus group and documentary. The data were analyzed using interpretation and triangulation. Results showed that the performance of supervision is performed by the principle mission. The area-based problems were 1) lack of needs assessment of staff, 2) inability supervisors, 3) unclear and continuum supervision model, unable to develop in the next supervision and unfollowed the concept of PMQA. In addition, the study showed that 1) the satisfaction of staff was rated at dissatisfied level, 2) the ability development among supervisors was rated at good level, 3) post using the development model by PMQA and PDCA concepts increased the better results of supervision and PMQA and was rated at good level. The study suggests that the perception building of
staff and knowledge sharing should be performed in order to develop continuously.

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How to Cite
Ananta S. Model Development of Supervision in Public Health by Applied Public Sector Management Quality Award (PMQA) in Yala Provincial Health Office. Health Sci J Thai [internet]. 2020 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 20];2(1):31-40. available from:
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