Availability of audiometric services in Thailand
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Audiometry is the standard for screening occupational hearing loss to workers exposed to noise in workplace. The availability of hearing measurement should be identified the situation about the hearing measurement data from the service providers. This survey research aimed to examine the availability of audiometric service providers in Thailand. The samples were thirty responsible persons in service providers to provide audiometric test. Data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive statistics. The result showed that most of audiometric service providers served in central region of Thailand. The number of audiometric service providers was covered throughout the country, but not enough. Most audiometric service providers followed the guidelines for getting the hearing measurements. All audiometric technicians have trained and expertise in audiometric testing. The main problem from audiometric service at off-site measurement was to provide an audiometric room which should have low background noise for protecting the interferences in hearing measurements. In addition, government agency should provide the training and registration of audiometric service providers lead to the standard of audiometric services.
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