Prevalence and Risk Factors Related to Malignancy of Bethesda Category III Thyroid Nodules Phatthalung Hospital

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Boochit Theerasantipong


This retrospective cohort study evaluates the prevalence of malignancy and risk factors related to thyroid malignancy in patients who have thyroid mass. The study subjects were patients who underwent FNA and were diagnosed as Bethesda category III in Phatthalung hospital between November 1, 2016 and December 30, 2020. Data were analyzed using univariate analysis and multiple logistic regression. A total of sixty eight patients were identified as Bethesda category III, of which 39.71 % went on to immediate thyroid lobectomy (39.71%). Pathological finding showed malignancy rate of 48.15 % with the most common thyroid cancer being papillary thyroid carcinoma 92.3 % followed by follicular carcinoma 7.69 %. Risk factors associated with thyroid carcinoma was patient age < 40 years (OR=11.50, 95%CI=1.10-120.60, P=0.042). While site and size of thyroid nodule were risk factor but statistically not significant. The prevalence of thyroid malignancy in study was 48.15 %. Therefore in patient younger than 40 years with thyroid mass requires early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can improve prognosis and reduce mortality.

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How to Cite
Theerasantipong B. Prevalence and Risk Factors Related to Malignancy of Bethesda Category III Thyroid Nodules Phatthalung Hospital. Health Sci J Thai [internet]. 2022 Dec. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];5(1):81-8. available from:
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