The Study of Comparing Satisfaction of Visitors at Ecotourism Site, Koh Kret, Nonthaburi
satisfaction, visitors, conservation tourismAbstract
The studying of comparing satisfaction of visitors at ecotourism site Koh Kret, Nonthaburi had objectives as the following: to study population and social factor as well as satisfaction; and to compare the satisfaction of visitors at ecotourism site Koh Kret, Nonthaburi. The sample size was 400 visitors at Koh Kret, Nonthaburi by using accidental selecting method. Analysis process was applying percentage, mean, standard deviation and using t-test and F-test in comparing dependent variables to independent variables.
The findings were found that satisfaction was been different due to the difference of education level and income per month.
For increasing effective conservation tourism management, stakeholders of the conservation tourism site could promote and interpret to visitors to reach tourism resources’ value. When the visitors absorb they will concern conservation issue.
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