Increasing access to justice in Thai competition law cases through third-party litigation funding



competition law, access to justice, doctrines of maintenance and champerty, EU competition law, third-party litigation funding


Cases pursued with support from third-party litigation funding for the purpose of earning a profit from a share of the capital or the lawsuit outcome are prohibited in Thai courts as actions contrary to 1) public order or good morals and agreements of such nature would be null and void; 2) underlying principles of the Act Promulgating the Criminal Procedure Code, BE 2477 (1934) prohibiting evaluations of cases by allowing self-interest to influence their outcomes; and 3) doctrines of maintenance and champerty, as third parties investing in a case are likely to take any action in favor of maximizing returns for themselves rather than the real victim. Nevertheless, third-party litigation funding in competition litigation cases, normally affecting a broader population, is widely recognized by many jurisdictions in the European Union (EU) and considered a mechanism for increasing access to justice. This article will help explain how third-party litigation funding may increase access to justice in Thai competition law cases.


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ข้อบังคับสภาทนายความว่าด้วยมรรยาททนายความ พ.ศ. 2529

พระราชบัญญัติแก้ไขเพิ่มเติมประมวลกฎหมายวิธีพิจารณาความแพ่ง (ฉบับที่ 26) พ.ศ. 2558

พระราชบัญญัติการแข่งขันทางการค้า พ.ศ. 2560

พระราชบัญญัติทนายความ พ.ศ. 2528




How to Cite

Sangsarapan, W., & Kiettikunwong, N. (2021). Increasing access to justice in Thai competition law cases through third-party litigation funding. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Research and Development (JMARD), 3(3), 27–40. retrieved from



Academic article