A Study of Generation Y Decision Process for Condominium


  • Witawat Rungruangphon Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Thammasat University
  • Pitcha Chatchaiphonrat


Buying behavior, Consumer decision process, Satisfaction, Generation Y


The study on buying decision-making behavior of Generation Y customers has an objective to understand the in-depth decision-making process of consumers who are the main customers of the condominium market in Thailand, by using in-depth interviews with Generation Y samples who have bought and lived in their condominiums for a period of 6 months – 2 years. It has a Hypothesis that the groups of customers who made their own purchases and those that others influenced their purchases had different purchasing processes and factors.

The results showed that both Generation Y groups had similar processes and factors in purchasing condominiums, with the purchase demand being driven by internal impulses. The process of finding information and evaluating alternatives uses similar sources and decision-making factors. The different behaviors were found that consumers in which other people influence their decision-making processes require less time and granularity to find information, less perceived purchase risk, including the criteria for consideration which the criteria are taken from the other decision-makers perspective especially in safety criterion for their main criterion for consideration. In the post-resident experience stage, both groups behaved the same.

In the study, gaps were also found between the factors considered during the purchase decision and the post-resident behavior period in terms of the quality of management of the juristic person. It shows that these factors were not among the main considerations during the alternative assessment period, but when entering a residence, it was found ass the main factor affecting after entering a residence from the perception of the brand developer experience and was given more weight in the decision to buy the next condominium.


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How to Cite

Rungruangphon, W., & Chatchaiphonrat, P. (2021). A Study of Generation Y Decision Process for Condominium. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Research and Development (JMARD), 3(3), 1–26. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMARD/article/view/251814



Research article