Early Childhood Education Management for Citizenship in the Digital World: Lessons from Abroad


  • Pakdeekul Ratana Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University


Early childhood education management, Citizenship, Digital world, Early childhood development, Growth


The purpose of this research is to study and analyze the management of early childhood education for citizenship in the digital age of six countries including Singapore, Hong Kong, Israel, New Zealand, Finland, and Sweden in order to investigate the early childhood education models in which enhancing the fundamental developments of physical, socio-emotional, intellectual and characteristics for early childhood and supporting the growth of them in the digital world in each region of the world. This research uses a qualitative research method, and it is a documentary research from data collection related to early childhood education management covering the curriculum preparation and educational personnel production. The data was then used to analyze the content and present it in a descriptive and analytical form. The results showed that early childhood education management of six countries have the learning management models which based on the context of each country and have an educational philosophy for the 21st century approach : child-centeredness, holistic development, active learning, social interaction and learning, play-based approach, and children’s freedom and multi-intelligence concerning with the goal to develop children physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, intellectually and personality and become citizens with the skills and competencies appropriate for the digital world. In the educational personnel production, it was found that in all countries has determined the minimum qualifications, academic criteria, and teaching-practiced experience, including having a responsible agency and providing training to meet the required qualifications.


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How to Cite

Ratana, P. (2021). Early Childhood Education Management for Citizenship in the Digital World: Lessons from Abroad. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Research and Development (JMARD), 3(4), 1–23. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMARD/article/view/252699