The Translation of Personification and Allusion in the Two Thai Translated Versions of THE ALCHEMIST


  • Pontakorn Rojanawit Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University
  • Suriyan Panlay Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University


Figurative language, Translation, Personification, Allusion, The Alchemist


Qualitative research was done to analyze the translation of figurative language in the Brazilian author Paulo Coelho’s novel The Alchemist (1988) by comparing translation techniques between the source text and two translations into Thai language: Khumsap Tee Plai Fan by Chaiwat Satha- Anand and Khumsap Sud Plai Fan by Korbchalee & Kankrao. Personification and allusion were two types of figurative language focused on. While the former is often used in relation to nature and emotions of protagonists, the latter is closely associated with religion. In terms of translation techniques, the Thai translators mostly used literal translation for both types of figurative language. However, for allusion, added explanation was also used as a translation technique.


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How to Cite

Rojanawit, P., & Panlay, S. (2022). The Translation of Personification and Allusion in the Two Thai Translated Versions of THE ALCHEMIST. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Research and Development (JMARD), 4(1), 45–62. retrieved from