Constructing a Cyberbullying Scale for Undergraduates


  • Rachan Tawekanachot Faculty of Education Naresuan University
  • Nanthima Nakaphong Asvaraksha Faculty of Education Naresuan University


Scale, Cyberbullying, National norms, Normalized t-score


This article aimed to 1) synthesize components and indicators of cyberbullying; 2) verify accuracy of scale measurements; and 3) establish cyberbullying scale norms for undergraduates. 960 samples were undergraduates during the academic year 2021, chosen by multistage sampling with the Likert scale. Data was statistically analyzed for content validity, discriminating power, construct validity by second order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) by the Mplus program, and to identify a normal T-score. Results were that 1) the cyberthreat scale consisted of three components, nine indicators, and 39 questions; 2) the cyberaggression indicator had an index of conformance (IOC) of 0.60 – 1.00 power of discrimination, the first time between .425 - .880 and the second between .665 - .912, with whole copy reliability of .992; the correlation coefficient was between .482 - .848, component weight between 0.677 – 0.991 and statistically significant at .05 for all indicators; the model consistency index consisted of the statistical value chi-square = 30.341, p-value = 0.065, comparative fit index (CFI) = .994, Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) = .989, root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = .046 and standardized root mean squared residual (SRMR) = .019, indicating that the corroborative component analysis model of the cyberbullying model for undergraduates was structurally coherent and consistent with empirical data; 3) The national norm measurement was mean = 61.07, S.D. = 19.17, with a percentile rank score range of 0.2-100.0, and normalized T-score range of 21 – 89.


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How to Cite

Tawekanachot, R., & Nakaphong Asvaraksha, N. (2023). Constructing a Cyberbullying Scale for Undergraduates. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Research and Development (JMARD), 5(1), 17–34. Retrieved from