Employment Insurance Benefits: Development, Contributions, and Possibilities in the Thailand Social Context
Employment insurance, Social Security fund, Skill development benefit, Unemployment compensationAbstract
The labour market in Thailand is being challenged, culminating in risks for laborers, including employment insecurity and unemployment. This research studied means of developing employment insurance benefits for sustainable employment development to expand extant unemployment benefits to cover employment insurance and provide recommendations for stipulating sources, contribution payment formats, and other relevant details. Methodologies included documentary research; a survey of 2,032 insured and 232 operating samples; in-depth interviews with representatives from 10 public and private sector organizations; and a focus group of 115 participants comprising insured and employer representatives. Results were that Thailand should extend coverage for insured workers, instead of focusing solely on employment benefits through contributory payments for the unemployed and incomeless to developing capacity limits for finding employment and developing related skills. Sources of funding should include equally proportioned contributions from the insured, employers, and the government. Contributions from insured workers should be flexible and based on affordability, with a set minimum contribution; by contrast, proportionate input from employers and the government should be equivalent. Employment benefits should cover four areas: compensation benefits for unemployment, skill development, recruitment, and tax benefits.
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