The Effects of a Mindfulness at Work Program on Government Teachers and Education Personnel
Mindfulness at work, Program, Government teachers, Education personnelAbstract
This research 1) studied the meaning of mindfulness at work; 2) designed a program for developing mindfulness at work; and 3) compared mindfulness at work before and after personnel had attended a mindfulness development training program. Samples comprised 14 government teachers and educational personnel. Data was gathered from in-depth structured interviews; content analysis forms; government teacher and education personnel mindfulness at work program; and questionnaire and analyzed by mean, standard deviation and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results were that 1) mindfulness at work means awareness and attention in the present moment without judging past events with awareness, caution, and care. Consciousness in accepting one's own behavior included thoughts, emotions, and feelings in three aspects: intent or teacher commitment and dedication to the task, concentrating on the goal of project success, while attention means interest, self-regulation, exploration, and development for effective productivity. Attitude means teacher thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and reactions to positive and negative feedback from people, things, and workplace situations; 2) work program for mindfulness for government teachers and education personnel consisted of eight development programs with 15 activities; and 3) government teachers and education personnel after joining mindfulness at work training programs rated higher than before at a statistical significance at .01.
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