Integration of Thai language learning management for Innovative electronic storybooks to foster morality among education students


  • Phatthanant Phapor Faculty of Education, Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University


Thai language education, Electronic storybooks, Education students, Ethical development


The objectives of this research were 1) “to create an electronic storybooks to promote morality of teaching profession students. 2) to study the ability to integrate Thai language learning to create innovative electronic storybooks to promote the morality of students in the teaching profession, and 3) to ask opinions about the teamwork process of teaching professional students Thai Language Department, Faculty of Education, Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University. The population used in this research was teaching professional students. Thai Language Program, Faculty of Education, Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University, 3rd year, total of 55 people. The sample group used in this research being a student of the teaching profession Thai Language Program, Faculty of Education, Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University, 3rd year enrolled in the Literary Tales Course (5002910), academic year 2022, totaling 18 students using a purposive sampling method. The research tools were 1) an assessment form for the students' ability to integrate Thai language knowledge and 2) a questionnaire on students' opinions about the teamwork process in creating an electronic storybook innovation (E-Book) to promote morality. The basic statistics used in the research were frequency distribution, percentage (%), mean () and standard deviation. The results showed: 1. Teacher professional students Thai Language Program who enrolled in the Fairy Tale Literature course created an electronic storybooks that included 8 basic virtues, totaling 8 stories. 2. Teacher professional students had the ability to integrate Thai language learning management to create innovative electronic storybooks to promote the virtues of overall, it was at the highest level. 3. The opinions of the teacher professional students about teamwork in the production of teaching innovation for electronic storybooks to promote morality as a whole were at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Phapor, P. (2024). Integration of Thai language learning management for Innovative electronic storybooks to foster morality among education students. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Research and Development (JMARD), 6(2), 112–130. Retrieved from