Assessment of Prototype Temples for Reducing Risk Factors to Develop a Network to Reduce Risk Factors in Accordance with the Buddhist Religion
Risk reduction networks in accordance with Buddhist principles, Prototype temples to reduce risk factors, Health risk factors, BovornAbstract
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Buddhist institutions have played a more prominent role in role adjustment, underscoring their potential to support people's growth and wellbeing. Temples, being essential components of Buddhist establishments, have had a pivotal role in this endeavor. This article aims to better understand the establishment and advancement of model temple networks that reduce risk factors at the provincial level, utilizing the “Bovorn” principle, employing a mixed-methods approach. In the quantitative research, data were gathered from 160 model temples that were involved in the assessment of risk factors reduction. Meanwhile, the qualitative research consists of conducting interviews with key informants, such as monastic leaders and monks who were actively engaged in coordinating risk-reduction initiatives within the temples. The total number of participants involved in these interviews was 24.
The study revealed that the majority of model temples implemented risk factor reduction strategies based on four primary performance indicators: The key factors for consideration include: 1) Strict adherence to the Buddhist code of monastic discipline, resolutions set by the Sangha Supreme Council, and state laws; 2) Policies implemented by the temples; 3) Organization of activities aimed at reducing risk factors; and 4) Collaborating with partner networks. The Sangha Supreme Council and legal institutions establish standards and practices to monitor and guide these actions, ensuring public health welfare. As a result, legal institutions have converted temples into regulated environments, displacing risks to health such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and gambling. These risk factors have been substituted with socially oriented activities that incorporate Buddhist principles, thereby enhancing the community's quality of life. The effectiveness of these initiatives relies significantly on a robust social network, which is an essential component in extending the risk-reduction temple model to other communities in the future.
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