Traffy Fondue Platform: Innovation for serving complaints from the public


  • Charinrat Leekrajang Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University
  • Nipapan Jensantikul Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University


Platform, Traffy Fondue, Innovation, Complaints


This academic article aims to explain the history of the Traffy Fondue platform and analyze its advantages and limitations in city management by bringing in public administration knowledge to help analyze and explain. The results of the analysis found that the Traffy Fondue platform is a product and process innovation that focuses on public services with the use of technology to help management reduce costs. It is fast, and it can make public services accessible to everyone. The advantages of the Traffy Fondue platform are: 1) It is a platform created for communicating city problems between citizens and responsible agencies. 2) Responsible agencies can provide information and updates on the situation, solve problems, and communicate back to the people. 3) Problem management and tracking system: statistical data service to increase efficiency in planning budgets and manpower; the constraint is the delay in solving problems as notified by the Traffy Fondue platform.


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How to Cite

Leekrajang, C., & Jensantikul, N. (2024). Traffy Fondue Platform: Innovation for serving complaints from the public . Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Research and Development (JMARD), 6(2), 36–50. Retrieved from