Exploring First-year Preservice Teachers’ Mindsets in a Dual Curriculum of Teacher Education


  • Wilawan Phothong School of Education, University of Phayao
  • Eakaphon Phothichan School of Education, University of Phayao
  • Surangkhana Tippala School of Education, University of Phayao
  • Wannakorn Phornprasert School of Education, University of Phayao


Mindset, Growth mindset, Fixed mindset, Preservice teacher, Duo curriculum of teacher education


Mindset is a process of thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs that affect a person's approach to success and self-development. Mindset also affects one’s ability to adapt to changing conditions and environments in society. This study is a survey-research that aims to observe the significance of mindset by conducting comparative studies in the context of genders and academic achievements. This research also involves the studying of relationship between mindset, gender, and academic achievement of first-year preservice teachers in a dual curriculum of teacher education. The sample group for this study consists of 231 first year students. The research results found that overall students perceive themselves as having a dynamic mindset (average between 4.71-5.35), especially in the aspect of trying to learn from mistakes. The element that students had the least on the aspect of dynamic mindset is the view that they can increase their own intelligence as much as they want. As for the static mindset, the average was between 1.94-4.59. The element that students agreed with the most was on the aspect that they have the capability to work to prove one’s intelligence. On the other hand, the element that students agreed with the least under the aspect of static mindset was that students were unable to change their intelligence level. While the results of comparison between genders show that male and female students' mindsets were not significantly different at statistic outcome of 0.05. In addition, when comparing academic achievement, the study shows that students with high, medium, and low academic achievements had significantly different mindsets at the rate 0.05. Also, when studying the relationship, it was found that growth mindset and gender does not have significant correlation at the statistic rate of 0.05. However, the growth mindset and academic achievement of first-year pre-service teacher students had a statistically low level of positive relationship at the level of 0.05.


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How to Cite

Phothong, W., Phothichan, E., Tippala, S., & Phornprasert, W. (2024). Exploring First-year Preservice Teachers’ Mindsets in a Dual Curriculum of Teacher Education . Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Research and Development (JMARD), 6(4), 26–41. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMARD/article/view/267778