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ชลพร กองคำ


Objectives: The purposes of this research were to 1) study learning goal motivation of Rachaphat University students in Bangkok, 2) develop the integrative group counseling program for enhancing learning goal motivation of the students, and 3) evaluate the effect of integrative group counseling program for enhancing learning goal motivation of the students.

Methods: The subjects composed of 2 groups. The first group of students’ learning goal motivation study consisted of 341 students from the faculty of education of Rachaphat University in Bangkok. The second group of the study was the 16 students in BSRU whose learning goal motivation scores were lower than 25th percentile and volunteered to attend the experiment. They were then randomly assigned into two groups, classified as an experiment group and a control group. The experimental group received group counseling model while the control group did not receive any counseling. The research instruments were 1) the demographic data 2) the learning goal motivation scale with reliability coefficient of 0.94, and 3) the integrative group counseling for enhancing learning goal motivation of students with IOC of 0.66-1.00.

Results: 1. The mean scores of total and each dimension of the learning goal motivation of the 341 students were high. The learning goal motivation dimensions included 1) self-efficacy, 2) positive thinking, 3) special goal, 4) selfplanning, and 5) self-control. 2. The integrated group counseling program for enhancing learning goal motivation was developed based on integrated the concepts and techniques of existential group counseling theory, cognitive behavioral group counseling theory, and reality group counseling theory. The model composed of three stages that were the initial stage, the working stage, and the terminal stage. 3. The mean scores of the learning goal motivation of the experimental group after the experiment and at the follow up were significantly higher than those before at .01 level. 4) The mean scores of the learning goal motivation of the experimental group after the experiment and at the follow up were significantly higher than those of the control group at .01 level. 

Conclusion: The integrated group counseling model can be used for enhancing the learning goal motivation of students.

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