About the Journal

The Outbreak, Surveillance, Investigation & Response (OSIR) Journal is an online publication that showcases the works of epidemiologists and public health experts in the field of animal and public health in Asia and the Pacific.

Outbreak: the journal focuses on the sudden occurrence of health issues or disease outbreaks, which in turn prompts investigations and responses to enhance understanding. 

Surveillance: the journal emphasizes the importance of health situation monitoring as it aids in early health issue/disease detection, trend tracking, and assessment of interventions, ultimately contributing to well-informed public health decisions.

Investigation: the journal focuses on a detailed investigation and study of health events and outbreaks. Through data analysis, causes and contributing factors are uncovered, providing readers with valuable insights into the events. 

Response: the journal highlights the implementation of actions to mitigate health crises, encompassing control measures such as isolation, vaccination, and public health initiatives as it can enhance community well-being through effective responses.

Publication type

OSIR publishes four types of manuscripts: editorials, review articles, original articles, and systematic reviews.


OSIR publishes between five and eight articles per issue, with four issues per year or volume, totaling 25 articles annually.

  • January – March
  • April – June
  • July – September
  • October – December




Free access and free submission


Current Issue

Vol. 17 No. 2 (2024): April - June
					View Vol. 17 No. 2 (2024): April - June
Published: 2024-06-30

Full Issue

Original article

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