Call for Manuscripts for Volume 19 Issue 1 (Jan.-Apr. 2025)


Regional Health Promotion Center 9 Journal (RHPC9J) is now accepting manuscripts for the consideration for publishing in our new upcoming issue (Volume 19 Issue 1-Jan.-Apr. 2025). We publish research and review articles. All manuscripts will undergo the peer-review process (double-blinded reviews) by 2-3 experts in the same areas of the manuscripts. The author(s) can identify whether to use 2 or 3 reviewers during the submission.

Research projects should be approved by the Research Ethic Committee-REC or the Institutional Review Board-IRB before conducting the project. If not sure that your project should seek approval by such committee, please consult your institute's research committee or complete the questionnaire to determine whether your project is subjected for REC/IRB approval here. The questionnaire (in Thai) belongs to the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA).