Effects of Unplanned Pregnancy Prevention Program on Knowledge, Attitudes and Self-Esteem towards Preventing Unplanned Pregnancy of Female Students in a Higher Education Institution


  • Anchalee Ounkaew Faculty of Nursing, Rachathani University, Udontani Campus
  • Soiy Anusornteerakul Faculty of Nursing, Ratchathani University, Udonthani Campus
  • Suphaphak Harnklar Faculty of Nursing, Ratchathani University, Udonthani Campus
  • Nongnuch Boonmala Faculty of Nursing, Ratchathani University, Udonthani Campus
  • Kattika Wangtapan Faculty of Nursing, Ratchathani University, Udonthani Campus
  • Woranuch Chaiwan Faculty of Nursing, Ratchathani University, Udonthani Campus


Pregnancy prevention program, Unplanned pregnancy, Self-esteem, Female students


The objective of this quasi-experimental research was to study effects of the unplanned pregnancy prevention program on knowledge, attitudes, and self-esteem towards preventing unplanned pregnancy of female students in a higher education institution. The samples were 73 third-year female students at a higher education institution, Udon Thani province. Research tools included videos, games, practices, and quiz competitions. Data collection tool was a questionnaire on knowledge about pregnancy and birth control, attitudes towards sexual intercourse, attitudes towards birth control, and self-esteem. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired t-tests.

Results showed that before the experiment, the sample had average scores on knowledge about pregnancy (gif.latex?\bar{x}=6.73, SD=1.45), knowledge about birth control (gif.latex?\bar{x}=14.56, SD=3.03), attitude towards sexual intercourse (gif.latex?\bar{x}=56.62, SD=6.86), attitude towards birth control (gif.latex?\bar{x}=56.38, SD=6.45), and self-esteem (gif.latex?\bar{x}=28.89, SD=5.89) were at a moderate level. After the experiment, the mean score of knowledge about pregnancy (gif.latex?\bar{x}=8.47, SD=1.20), knowledge about birth control (gif.latex?\bar{x}=17.07, SD=1.94), and self-esteem (gif.latex?\bar{x}=33.89, SD=4.31) were at a good level. The mean scores for attitudes towards sexual intercourse ( =58.67, SD=7.53), and attitudes towards birth control (gif.latex?\bar{x}=56.73, SD=6.17) were at a moderate level. It was found that after the experiment, the average score of knowledge about pregnancy and about birth control, attitude towards sexual intercourse, and self-esteem increased significantly than before the experiment. The average score of attitude towards birth control increased slightly, with no significance. In conclusion, this program can enhance knowledge, attitudes, and self-esteem among students and can be applied to other educational institutions.

Author Biographies

Anchalee Ounkaew, Faculty of Nursing, Rachathani University, Udontani Campus


Soiy Anusornteerakul, Faculty of Nursing, Ratchathani University, Udonthani Campus


Suphaphak Harnklar, Faculty of Nursing, Ratchathani University, Udonthani Campus


Nongnuch Boonmala, Faculty of Nursing, Ratchathani University, Udonthani Campus


Kattika Wangtapan, Faculty of Nursing, Ratchathani University, Udonthani Campus


Woranuch Chaiwan, Faculty of Nursing, Ratchathani University, Udonthani Campus



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How to Cite

Ounkaew, A., Anusornteerakul, S., Harnklar, S., Nongnuch, N., Wangtapan, K., & Chaiwan, W. (2024). Effects of Unplanned Pregnancy Prevention Program on Knowledge, Attitudes and Self-Esteem towards Preventing Unplanned Pregnancy of Female Students in a Higher Education Institution. REGIONAL HEALTH PROMOTION CENTER 9 JOURNAL, 18(3), 891–903. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RHPC9Journal/article/view/268005