The Effect of Using the Innovative Storytelling "The Knight's Conquest in Dengue Land" on Enhancing Dengue Fever Knowledge Among Primary School Students


  • Anuwat Surinrach Health Science Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • Jiraporn Jumpajan Health Science Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University


Innovative storytelling, Dengue fever prevention, Primary school students


The purposes of this quasi-experimental research were to: 1) develop the innovative storytelling “the Knight's Conquest in Dengue Land” as a tool for preventing dengue fever, 2) compare the knowledge of using innovative storytelling “the Knight's Conquest in Dengue Land” in the prevention of dengue fever between the experimental and comparison groups, and 3) study students’ satisfaction with the innovative storytelling “the Knight's Conquest in Dengue Land” in preventing dengue fever. Samples were divided into two groups, 34 persons for the experimental group and 34 persons for the comparison group. The experimental group received innovative storytelling “the Knight's Conquest in Dengue Land” for dengue fever prevention for 4 weeks, while the comparison group received teaching and learning according to the regular curriculum. The data were collected using tools developed by the researchers. The data were analyzed using frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations, Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests, and Mann-Whitney U tests.

The results showed that 1) the average knowledge of dengue prevention in the experimental group after receiving innovative storytelling “the Knight's Conquest in Dengue Land” in the prevention of dengue fever were significantly higher than before receiving the program (p<0.05). 2) the average scores of dengue prevention knowledge in the experimental group after receiving the innovative storytelling “the Knight's Conquest in Dengue Land” in the prevention of dengue fever were significantly higher than those from the comparison group (p<0.05), and 3) students’ overall satisfaction with the storybook was at a high level (equation=2.91, SD=0.29).

Author Biographies

Anuwat Surinrach, Health Science Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University


Jiraporn Jumpajan, Health Science Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University

Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Surinrach, A., & Jumpajan, J. (2025). The Effect of Using the Innovative Storytelling "The Knight’s Conquest in Dengue Land" on Enhancing Dengue Fever Knowledge Among Primary School Students. REGIONAL HEALTH PROMOTION CENTER 9 JOURNAL, 19(2), 401–414. retrieved from



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