Comparison of Three Wound Area Measurement Methods: Photoshop, ImageJ, and Visitrak

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Nirobol Kanogsunthornrat
Pisamai Orathai
Tatsanee Junorn
Surawej Numhom


This comparative study aimed at comparing wound surface area measurement
methods between wound tracing and wound photography and using Visitrak™ as a
reference measurement device. Their sizes were measured using Photoshop CS3 Extended
and ImageJ by two different assessors for the comparison. The subjects were 45 open
wounds with no skin coverage, of patients who were treated at a tertiary hospital in
Bangkok from June 2013-September 2014. Data were analyzed using intraclass
correlation, Friedman’s test, and Wilcoxson matched-pair signed-ranks test. The findings
showed that agreements of wound assessment by two assessors were high (ICC = .99-
1.00). The wound sizes from wound tracing and measuring with Photoshop CS3
Extended were not significantly different from those measured with Visitrak™, but were
smaller than those measured with ImageJ. Both Photoshop CS3 Extended and ImageJ
measured wound sizes from photography smaller than those measured from wound
tracing. However, in small-sized wounds assessed from photographs, the wound sizes
measured with Photoshop CS3 Extended were not different from those measured with
ImageJ, and those from wound tracing measured with Visitrak.™ The results of this
study suggest that, for accurate area measurement, wounds should be assessed with
photography and measured with Photoshop CS3 Extended.

Keywords: Wound size, Wound tracing, Wound photograph, Photoshop CS3 Extended,
ImageJ, Visitrak™

Article Details

How to Cite
Kanogsunthornrat N, Orathai P, Junorn T, Numhom S. Comparison of Three Wound Area Measurement Methods: Photoshop, ImageJ, and Visitrak. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2018 Oct. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];24(2):150-62. available from:
Author Biography

Nirobol Kanogsunthornrat

This comparative study aimed at comparing wound surface area measurement
methods between wound tracing and wound photography and using Visitrak™ as a
reference measurement device. Their sizes were measured using Photoshop CS3 Extended
and ImageJ by two different assessors for the comparison. The subjects were 45 open
wounds with no skin coverage, of patients who were treated at a tertiary hospital in
Bangkok from June 2013-September 2014. Data were analyzed using intraclass
correlation, Friedman’s test, and Wilcoxson matched-pair signed-ranks test. The findings
showed that agreements of wound assessment by two assessors were high (ICC = .99-
1.00). The wound sizes from wound tracing and measuring with Photoshop CS3
Extended were not significantly different from those measured with Visitrak™, but were
smaller than those measured with ImageJ. Both Photoshop CS3 Extended and ImageJ
measured wound sizes from photography smaller than those measured from wound
tracing. However, in small-sized wounds assessed from photographs, the wound sizes
measured with Photoshop CS3 Extended were not different from those measured with
ImageJ, and those from wound tracing measured with Visitrak.™ The results of this
study suggest that, for accurate area measurement, wounds should be assessed with
photography and measured with Photoshop CS3 Extended.

Keywords: Wound size, Wound tracing, Wound photograph, Photoshop CS3 Extended,
ImageJ, Visitrak™


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