Nursing Care for Pregnant Woman at Risk for Preterm Labour

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Tirawan Buayaem
Piengbulan Yapan
Suchittra Pongprasobchai


Preterm birth is a major public health problem. Premature infants may have many complications due to the organs may not properly function. In addition, the family members have to lose their time and financial costs of caregiving for premature infants with the need for long-term care disability. Therefore, prevention of preterm birth is very important. In the beginning, the pregnant women who are at risk for preterm labor should be clearly defined and it is very necessary to ensure that these patients would be under effective treatments. Nurses are the first healthcare team who meet pregnant women while they come for the antenatal care and for follow-up appointment. Therefore, the crucial role of nurses in antenatal care is screening of pregnant women who are at risk for premature labor, assuring that these patients would be under effective treatments, and educating the patients to change their health behavior and self-care while they receive progesterone to prevent from a preterm birth.  Nurses should educate pregnant women who are at risk for premature labor to be able to notice early signs and symptoms that may be occurred by themselves and come to the hospital in time for treatments. Accordingly, the nurses should support the husband and family members of the patients to take part in caring for a pregnant woman to trying  to  conceive with an increasing in a gestational age or to be continued to delivery.

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How to Cite
Buayaem T, Yapan P, Pongprasobchai S. Nursing Care for Pregnant Woman at Risk for Preterm Labour. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2020 Jan. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 29];25(3):243-54. available from:


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