Effects of A Motivation for Self-care Program on Self-care and Quality of Life in Persons with Heart Failure

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Nalinee Niyomthai
Apinya Siripitayakunkit
Sumolchat Duangbubpha


The purpose of this quasi-experimental study, using one group with pretest-posttest design with repeated measures, was to examine the effects of a motivation for self-care program on self-care and quality of life in persons with heart failure. The Situation-Specific Theory of Heart Failure Self-Care, combined with the motivation interview technique, was used as the theoretical framework of the study. Twenty-nine persons with heart failure during hospitalization were recruited by purposive sampling based on the inclusion criteria. The program consisted of three phases: Phase I: Promoting self-awareness on health status and motivating health behavior modification; Phase II: Developing self-care abilities and skill training for heart failure self-care in the first during hospitalization, and Phase III: Empowering continuous self-care in heart failure using home telephone counselling after discharge once a week for four times with the Hotline service for 24 hours for the emergency case, in a total of six weeks. Data collection was done three times: before the program intervention, after completion of the program, and one month after completion of the program. Descriptive statistics and one-way repeated measures analysis of variance were used to analyze the data. The study findings showed that the mean scores of self-care and quality of life after completion of the program, and one month after completion of the program were significantly higher than those before entering the
program. The findings show the effectiveness of the motivational for self-care program.Therefore, the motivation for self-care program should be implemented to improve self-care behavior in controlling heart failure exacerbation and promote the quality of life in persons with heart failure.
Keywords: Heart failure, Motivation interviewing, Self-care, Quality of life

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How to Cite
Niyomthai N, Siripitayakunkit A, Duangbubpha S. Effects of A Motivation for Self-care Program on Self-care and Quality of Life in Persons with Heart Failure. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2021 Jan. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];26(3):290-309. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RNJ/article/view/241609


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