Effect of Using “Rama ET-Tube Intubation Cart” on Duration, Accuracy and Completion of Prepared Intubation Equipment in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

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Thitima Watthanasereewetch
Supatra Phaopant
Sriwanna Thasanthiah


This experimental research with a one-group crossover design aimed to investigate the effect of using a Rama ET-tube intubation cart on the duration, accuracy,and completion of prepared intubation equipment in a pediatric intensive care unit. The sample group was recruited by purposive sampling. The group includes 30 nurses in a pediatric intensive care unit, Ramathibodi Hospital. The instruments consisted of the
Rama ET-tube intubation cart, which was created using the design thinking process to prepare equipment for endotracheal intubation in children and was sorted according to the age and weight of patients. Data collection instruments included the demographic data questionnaire, time recording form, a list of devices used for endotracheal intubation,and a stopwatch. The method of preparation was random as usual nursing care or the Rama ET-tube intubation cart. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, repeated
measures ANOVA, and chi-square statistics. The results of this study revealed that the mean duration of preparing equipment using the RAMA ET-tube intubation cart was significantly shorter than usual nursing care. With chi-square analysis, it was found that the RAMA ET-tube intubation cart was significantly more accurate and complete than usual nursing care.
Keywords: ET-tube intubation cart, Duration, Accuracy and completion, Critically ill
pediatric patient

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How to Cite
Watthanasereewetch T, Phaopant S, Thasanthiah S. Effect of Using “Rama ET-Tube Intubation Cart” on Duration, Accuracy and Completion of Prepared Intubation Equipment in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2021 Aug. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];27(2):175-87. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RNJ/article/view/242695


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