Effect of the Foot and Ankle Exercise on Blood Flow Velocity of the Common Femoral Vein in Patients with Hip Fracture

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Arphaporn Plueangklang
Suchira Chaiviboontham
Paphon Sa-ngasoongsong
Chinnarat Buangam


This quasi-experimental study with one group, repeated-measures design aimed to compare 1) the peak systolic velocity (PSV) and the mean diastolic velocity (MDV) of the common femoral vein before and after foot and ankle exercise (FAE) 2) thigh and calf circumference after FAE in patients with hip fractured in each interval time. The study was guided by the physiology of DVT formation. The sample were 24 patients with fractured hips at Ramathibodi Hospital. The Friedman test, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test, and One-way repeated measures ANOVA were used as data analysis. The results showed that 100% of the patients were
able to perform foot and ankle exercise (FAE). The PSV and MDV in the common femoral vein on the fractured side after FAE dramatically increase more than before FAE and maintain till 5 and 15 minutes after FAE. The circumference of the calf did not increase at the day of discharge.The results suggest that the FAE could increase blood flow velocity of the common femoral vein in patients with hip fracture leading to prevent DVT.
Keywords: Deep vein thrombosis, Hip fracture patients, Foot and ankle exercise, Blood flow velocity of the common femoral vein

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How to Cite
Plueangklang A, Chaiviboontham S, Sa-ngasoongsong P, Buangam C. Effect of the Foot and Ankle Exercise on Blood Flow Velocity of the Common Femoral Vein in Patients with Hip Fracture . Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2021 May 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];27(1):92-107. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RNJ/article/view/242895


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