Factors Associated with Delayed Hospital Discharge among Patients being Transferred to Home Health Care Unit

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Phatcharakoraphot Sreeprasarn
Nitchatima Sereewichayasawad
Nareemarn Neelapaichit


Delayed hospital discharge is a critical issue in health care services affecting ineffective bed management and cost escalation. This cross-sectional survey research determined factors associated with delayed discharges among patients being transferred to the home health care unit. The samples consisted of 231 in-patients having the score on the Modified Barthel Index(MBI)≤ 19 andtheircaregivers(n = 231). The research
instruments included the demographic questionnaires of patients and caregivers, the MBI, the Caregiver Confidence Scale, the Family APGAR Questionnaire, and the Healthcare Professional Support Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression analysis. The results revealed that the following factors had significant correlations to delayed discharge: length of hospital stay, length
of stay in the intensive care unit, prolonged respiratory problems, older age of caregivers,insufficient income,unhealthy caregivers, inexperienced caregivers, low confidence of caregivers, low family support, and limited time of discharge planning. Therefore,healthcare professionals should provide appropriate discharge planning for patients to manage any health issues that might prolong their length of stay and enhance caregivers’confidence to decrease the delay in hospital discharge of these patients.
Keywords: Delayed hospital discharge,Patients, Caregivers, Healthcare professionals

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How to Cite
Sreeprasarn P, Sereewichayasawad N, Neelapaichit N. Factors Associated with Delayed Hospital Discharge among Patients being Transferred to Home Health Care Unit. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2021 Aug. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];27(2):247-64. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RNJ/article/view/243015


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