Path Analysis of the Relationship between Managerial Roles and Innovative Work Behavior of First-Line Nurse Managers in Private Hospitals Bangkok Metropolitan

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Bubpha Kitsahawong
Phechnoy Singchungchai
Netchanok Sritoomma


The purposes of this quantitative research were to determine the level of managerial roles and innovative work behavior, the path analysis of the relationship between managerial roles, and innovative work behavior of first-line nurse managers at private hospitals in Bangkok Metropolis,and examine the consistency of the hypothesized path model of the relationship between managerial roles and innovative work behavior with the empirical data. The sample was 371 randomized first-line nurse managers selected by the simple random sampling method. The research tool was a questionnaire comprising three sections: (1) demographic data, (2) managerial roles, and (3)innovative work behavior, which had four continuous process behaviors including idea exploration,idea generation, idea championing, and idea implementation.Sections 2 and 3 of the questionnaires were analyzed by content validity. The statistical parameters revealed structural validity by the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and the reliabilities. The data were analyzed using descriptive
statistics and inferential statistical analysis, including exploratory factor analysis (EFA), CFA, and path analysis. The research results revealed a high mean score level of managerial roles and innovative work behavior of first-line nurse managers. The study of the path of the relationships between managerial roles and innovative work behavior showed that the managerial roles had direct and indirect influences on the innovative work behavior through serially multiple variables (Serial Multiple Mediators:SMM)from idea exploration, idea generation,idea championing,and idea implementation
with statistical significance. The hypothesized path model of relationships between managerial roles
and innovative work behavior was significantly consistent with the empirical data. The research results
indicated that the managerial roles of first-line nurse managers at private hospitals are important for
developing innovative work behavior, which should be done as a continuous process serially to clarify
innovation development in nursing organizations.
Keywords: Managerial role, Innovative work behavior,First-line nurse manager,Private hospital

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Kitsahawong B, Singchungchai P, Sritoomma N. Path Analysis of the Relationship between Managerial Roles and Innovative Work Behavior of First-Line Nurse Managers in Private Hospitals Bangkok Metropolitan. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2021 Aug. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 26];27(2):265-81. available from:


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