Effects of Using the 2- in- 1 Tape Measure Innovation for Estimating Fetal Weight at Birth in Pregnant Women

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Prapairat Kaewsiri
Siriporn Hemadhulin
Pimonpan Aunsook


This quasi-experimental research aimed to 1) develop the 2-in-1 tape measure innovation for estimating fetal weight; 2) examine the effectiveness of the 2-in-1 tape measure innovation for estimating fetal weight compared with actual birth weight and 3) investigate the perceived efficiency towards the 2-in-1 tape measure innovation. The research process was divided into two phases: Phase 1: creating and developing the 2-in-1 tape measure innovation, and Phase 2: investigating the efficiency and effectiveness of the innovation. Phase 2 was divided to: 2.1) evaluating the effectiveness of the 2-in-1 tape measure innovation by comparing the estimated fetal weight using the 2-in-1 tape measure innovation with the actual
birth weight, and 2.2) evaluating the perceived efficiency by nurses towards the 2-in-1 tape measure innovation. There were 2 sample groups: 1) 60 pregnant women in labor, and 2)12 registered nurses working at the labor room. The instrument used in the experiment was the 2-in-1 tape measure innovation. The data collection instruments included the questionnaire about the personal information, the perceived efficiency questionnaire towards the innovation,and the record form of estimated fetal weight measured by the innovation and the actual birth weight. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired sample t-test. The research results revealed that the mean actual birth weight and the mean estimated fetal weight measured by the innovation were not significantly different, and the overall mean score of the
perceived efficiency by nurses towards the 2-in-1 tape measure innovation was at the highest level. Thus, nurses should use the 2-in-1 tape measure innovation to primarily estimate the fetal weight in pregnant women giving birth to help shorten the time and process of screening pregnant women at risk of difficult labor to properly plan delivery.
Keywords: 2-in-1 tape measure innovation, Estimate fetal weight, Pregnant women, Birth

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How to Cite
Kaewsiri P, Hemadhulin S, Aunsook P. Effects of Using the 2- in- 1 Tape Measure Innovation for Estimating Fetal Weight at Birth in Pregnant Women . Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2021 Aug. 29 [cited 2025 Feb. 16];27(2):188-201. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RNJ/article/view/245988


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