Lived Experience of Older Women Caring for Frail Dependent Elderly Spouses

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Pantamon Suparee
Jiraporn Kespichayawattana


This research aimed to study the lived experience of older women caring for a frail, dependent elderly spouse using the qualitative research method and phenomenology of Martin Heidegger. The key informants were 14 older women who were the main caregivers of a frail, dependent elderly spouse, selected through the purposive sampling method. The data were collected through an in-depth interview, observation, notes, and tape recordings. The data were then transcribed using verbatim transcription and analyzed using content analysis. The results indicated that the meanings of being a caregiver to a frail, dependent elderly spouse provided by the informants could be divided into two points: 1) taking care with deep connection and 2) taking care because they had been through difficulties together. It was also found that the experience of older women caring for a frail, dependent elderly spouse could be categorized into three themes, which were 1) life changed, 2) acceptance and learning of being caregivers, and 3) being a caregiver in the context of being a wife. The findings of this study could lead to an understanding of lived experiences of older women caring for a frail, dependent elderly spouse and serve as guidelines to help wives who take care of a frail, dependent elderly spouse for efficient care.
Keywords: Lived experience, Older women, Dependent, Elderly spouse

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How to Cite
Suparee P, Kespichayawattana J. Lived Experience of Older Women Caring for Frail Dependent Elderly Spouses. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2022 Aug. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 1];28(2). available from:


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