Effectiveness of Implementing Clinical Practice Guidelines for Constipation Management among Patients with Cancer Receiving Palliative Care
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This implementation research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of implementing clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for constipation management among patients with cancer receiving palliative care. The guideline implementation was based on
the CPGs implementation and strategies utilization framework of the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council. Participants consisted of two groups. Group 1 was patients with cancer, including 16 patients receiving palliative care before the CPGs
implementation and nine patients with cancer receiving palliative care during CPGs implementation. Group 2 was 42 healthcare personnel who utilized CPGs. Research instruments included 1) the CPGs for constipation management and the pamphlet regarding
constipation and self-care for constipation management, 2) the constipation assessment form, and 3) the health care personnel satisfaction for utilizing constipation management evaluation form. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results revealed that the incidence of constipation was 62.50 per 1,000 bed days of patients before CPGs implementation group, while it was 10.42 per 1,000 bed days of patients during the CPGs implementation group. The majority of healthcare personnel (92.20%) had a high level of satisfaction regarding utilizing CGPs for constipation management. This study suggests that the CPGs for constipation management among patients with cancer receiving palliative care can decrease constipation, and most healthcare personnel had a high level of satisfaction when using the guidelines. Therefore, these CPGs should be proposed to the nurse administrator for implementation to reduce constipation and improve the care quality in these patients.
Keywords: Clinical practice guidelines, Constipation, Palliative care, Patients with cancer
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