Translation and Validation of the Braden QD Scale (Thai version) for Predicting Pediatric Pressure Injury Risk in Pediatric Critically Ill Patients

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Jiraporn Punyoo
Supatra Phaopant
Nattasit Katchamat


This study aimed to translate the Braden QD scale for predicting pediatric pressure injury risk from the original English version into the Thai version and validate the reliability of the Braden QD scale (Thai version) in critically ill patients admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit. This study was divided into Phase I: a translation process and verification, and Phase II: a testing process with critically ill pediatric patients.The sample consisted of 85 critically ill pediatric patients, aged one month to 18 years,admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Ramathibodi Hospital and met inclusion criteria. They were divided into ten patients for the first phase and 75 patients for the second phase. The interrater reliability and concurrent validity were used to determine psychometric properties of the Braden QD scale (Thai version). The result revealed a high intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) between the Braden QD scale (Thai version)and the Braden Q scale. For the concurrent validity when the Braden Q scale was used as the reference, the correlation between the scores on the Braden QD scale (Thai version)and those on the Braden Q scale was significantly moderate and negative when the scores were reversed to obtain the same meaning. Hence, the Braden QD Scale (Thai version)is an acceptable tool to assess pressure injury risk in critically ill pediatric patients.
Keywords: Translation, Validity, Reliability, the Braden QD Scale (Thai version),Critically ill pediatric patients

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How to Cite
Punyoo J, Phaopant S, Katchamat N. Translation and Validation of the Braden QD Scale (Thai version) for Predicting Pediatric Pressure Injury Risk in Pediatric Critically Ill Patients. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2022 Apr. 22 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];28(1):16-29. available from:


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