Factors Related to Perceived Self-Efficacy for COVID-19 Prevention in Pediatric Nursing Staff

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Jiraporn Punyoo
Jongjai Jongaramraung
Tipawan Daramas
Dongruethai Buadong
Lawan Singhasai
Jirarporn Tunksakool
Sutasinee Saehoong
Pawanrat Panjatharakul
Amporn Thungkaeorungrueang


This descriptive research aimed to examine factors related to perceived self-efficacy for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) prevention and explore the needs and barriers to COVID-19 prevention in a sample of 227 pediatric nursing staff at Ramathibodi Hospital. The research instruments for data collection consisted of a demographic form, the Knowledge Questionnaire about COVID-19 Prevention, and the Perceived Self-efficacy for COVID-19 Prevention Assessment Scale. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Spearman’s Rho correlation. An in-depth interview was conducted with 30 pediatric nursing staff in Pediatric Department, and qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The finding showed that the pediatric nursing staff had a high level of knowledge and perceived self-efficacy scores for COVID-19 prevention. Knowledge was positively and significantly associated with perceived self-efficacy for COVID-19 prevention of pediatric nursing staff. The findings from in-depth interview showed that the problem or barriers for COVID-19 prevention among pediatric nursing staff included: 1) changing policy or practice guidelines, 2) a limited number of professionals for patient care, 3) shortage of personal protective equipment, 4)communication problems, and 5) lack of co-operation of pediatric patients in their practice. Moreover,the pediatric nursing staff had the needs about COVID-19 prevention: 1) sufficiency of personal
protective equipment and 2) training for updated knowledge of COVID-19 prevention and the use of personal protective equipment. Consequently, the organization should prepare sufficient personal protective equipment, provide on-demand knowledge continuously, and impose clear policy or guidelines for COVID-19 prevention in pediatric nursing staff.
Keywords: Knowledge, Perceived self-efficacy, COVID-19 prevention, Personal protective equipment, Pediatric nursing staff

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How to Cite
Punyoo J, Jongaramraung J, Daramas T, Buadong D, Singhasai L, Tunksakool J, Saehoong S, Panjatharakul P, Thungkaeorungrueang A. Factors Related to Perceived Self-Efficacy for COVID-19 Prevention in Pediatric Nursing Staff. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2021 Dec. 24 [cited 2025 Jan. 24];27(3):415-29. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RNJ/article/view/250702


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