Selected Factors Related to Perceived Practice for Acute Kidney Injury Prevention for Critically Ill Patients among Nurses in Intensive Care Units

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Kanokporn Kaewyota
Sumolchat Duangbubpha
Poolsuk Janepanish Visudtibhan
Surasak Kantachuvesiri


Abstract:This study aimed to examine the relationships among knowledge about AKI prevention, attitude towards AKI prevention, working experience in intensive care units (ICU), training experience, and perceived practice for acute kidney injury (AKI)prevention for critically ill patients among ICU nurses. A sample of 141 ICU nurses in a general hospital participated in the study. Data were collected using four questionnaires to collect demographic data, knowledge about AKI prevention, attitude towards AKI prevention, and perceived practice for AKI prevention for critically ill patients. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. The results demonstrated that most participants had a moderate level of knowledge regarding AKI prevention, a good level of attitude towards AKI prevention, and a high level of perceived practice for AKI prevention. Knowledge about AKI prevention and positive attitude towards AKI prevention were significantly positively related to the perceived practice for AKI prevention among ICU nurses. On the other hand, working experience at ICUs and training experience were not related to perceived practice regarding AKI prevention. Therefore, ICU nurses should be encouraged to increase their knowledge and promote positive attitudes about AKI prevention to increase the effectiveness of prevention of AKI in critically ill patients.
Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Perceived practice, Acute kidney injury, Critically ill patients, ICU nurses


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Kaewyota K, Duangbubpha S, Janepanish Visudtibhan P, Kantachuvesiri S. Selected Factors Related to Perceived Practice for Acute Kidney Injury Prevention for Critically Ill Patients among Nurses in Intensive Care Units. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2022 Aug. 23 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];28(2). available from:


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