Development of Case Management for Persons with Type 2 Prediabetes in an Urban Community, Bangkok Metropolitan: A Case Study of Suan-ngoen Community

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Rungtiwa Saowanee
Phatcharakoraphot Sreeprasarn
Patsima Pattarateeranon
Nipawan Sriyoha


This action research aimed to examine the effect of case management for persons with type 2 prediabetes in the Suan-ngoen community and to explore problems, barriers, problemsolving,and needs for behavior modification of persons with prediabetes who did not achieve the goal. The sample was persons living in an urban community in Bangkok Metropolitan, aged 35 years and over, with diabetes risk factors. The sample was recruited with purposive sampling to obtain 30 cases. The research was conducted in two phases: Phase 1: using case management,and Phase 2: using a qualitative case study approach among those that did not achieve the goal.The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired-sample t-test and Wilcoxon-signed rank test to compare the diabetes knowledge scores, health behavior scores, capillary fasting blood glucose values, body mass index, and waist circumferences before and after receiving case management in Phase 1. The qualitative analysis of the case study approach was used in Phase 2.The results showed that at the posttest, the sample had higher mean diabetic knowledge scores,and health behaviors were significantly higher than those at the pretest. Clinical outcomes, including capillary fasting blood glucose, body mass index, and waist circumference, at the posttest were significantly lower than those at the pretest. The participants, who did not achieve the goal, needed to use a case management program to solve the problems and minimize the barriers. The results after Phase 2 showed that health behaviors scores changed from moderate to high levels. Thus,case management for people with type 2 prediabetes in an urban community helps reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus. Therefore, community nurses should apply case management programs for persons with chronic diseases and at risk for non-communicable diseases to improve health status and delay possible complications.
Keywords : Case management, Clinical outcomes, Health behavior, Type 2 prediabet

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Saowanee R, Sreeprasarn P, Pattarateeranon P, Sriyoha N. Development of Case Management for Persons with Type 2 Prediabetes in an Urban Community, Bangkok Metropolitan: A Case Study of Suan-ngoen Community. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2023 Apr. 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];29(1). available from:


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