Executive Function in Preschool Children Born Preterm

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Preawpan Sriyapai
Tipawan Daramas
Jariya Wittayasooporn


This descriptive study aimed to investigate executive functions in preterm preschoolers. The sample sconsisted of two groups: 60 mothers or fathers and 60 preterm children aged 3-6 years, who received treatment in the neonatal intensive care unit and the neonatal special care nursery and visited the pediatric outpatient ward. Purposive sampling was employed with inclusion criteria.Data were collected from questionnaires on general information and assessments on executive functions for preschoolers known as the BRIEF-P. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze general data, and the relationships between the factors related to preterm preschoolers’ executive functions were analyzed using the chi-square test. Results revealed that the preterm children with gestational age less than 37 weeks had an overall executive-function score as normal.Furthermore, the 1-minute Apgar score and underlying diseases were found to be correlated with the working memory score in executive functions.Based on these findings,nurses and health care professionals who provide care to preterm children are advised to monitor them regularly, make recommendations, and encourage the development of their executive functions to ensure normalcy.
Keywords: BRIEF-P, Executive function,Preschool children,Preterm infant

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How to Cite
Sriyapai P, Daramas T, Wittayasooporn J. Executive Function in Preschool Children Born Preterm. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2023 Dec. 22 [cited 2025 Jan. 20];29(3). available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RNJ/article/view/258254
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