Effects of the Smoking Cessation Program Using 5A’s Model with Motivational Interviewing on Smoking Abstinence and Urine Cotinine of Persons with Non-Communicable Diseases

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Chantana Chuimiang
Apinya Siripitayakunkit
Soontaree Jianvitayakij


One of the most important risk factors for non communicable diseases and premature deaths is cigarette smoking. A one-group pre-posttest quasi-experimental study was conducted. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of the smoking cessation program using 5A’s model with motivational interviewing on smoking cessation behavior in persons with non-communicable diseases. The Transtheoretical Model was used as a conceptual framework combined with 5A's model and motivational interviewing techniques. The participants were 30 people with non-communicable diseases who visited the outpatient department at a district hospital selected by purposive sampling. The one-month program consisted of two individual counseling sessions and telephone follow-ups to help quit smoking.The outcome measured was smoking cessation behavior, confirmed by urine cotinine levels.Descriptive statistics, Fisher’s exact test, and a chi-square test were used to analyze the data.The results of the study showed statistically significant differences in smoking cessation behaviors before participating in the program and immediately after the program ended, with the proportion of smoking cessation decreasing by 50% without cotinine detected in their urine. When the sample was followed up for another 30 days after the program ended, 13 participants (43.33%) successfully quit smoking, and two relapsed. Nurses in non-communicable disease clinics could apply the 5A’s model with motivational interviewing for a smoking cessation program to help persons with non-communicable diseases quit smoking.Nurses should be trained in the motivational interviewing technique before using the program. Furthermore,  a longitudinal study is needed.
Keywords: Motivational interviewing, Non-communicable diseases, Smoking cessation program, Smoking cessation behavior, Stage of change

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How to Cite
Chuimiang C, Siripitayakunkit A, Jianvitayakij S. Effects of the Smoking Cessation Program Using 5A’s Model with Motivational Interviewing on Smoking Abstinence and Urine Cotinine of Persons with Non-Communicable Diseases. Nurs Res Inno J [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 19 [cited 2024 Oct. 21];30(2). Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RNJ/article/view/267298
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