Development of the Maternal Sense of Control Scale during Childbirth

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Srisamorn Phumonsakul
Pawana Promneramit
Watinee Wongsaros
Sailom Gerdprasert


Self-control during childbirth is part of the perception of the birth experience and affects good pregnancy outcomes. However, in Thailand, there is still a lack of instruments that could directly assess the maternal sense of control during childbirth. This study aimed to develop the Maternal Sense of Control Scale during Childbirth and examine its psychometric properties. The instrument’s items were developed from a literature review and created to reflect the meaning of the components extracted from qualitative research. Initially, 40 items were reviewed by five experts for content validity. The sample consisted of 364 normal postpartum mothers over 18 years old who could read, write, and understand Thai. The data were collected by having the sample complete the questionnaire themselves. The validity and construct reliability were analyzed to confirm the components (second-order confirmatory factor analysis) using the LISREL program. The results of the study revealed that from the component extraction, 21 items were obtained, reflecting five components: 1) selfdetermination,2) self-respect and respect for others, 3) attachment, 4) childbirth knowledge, and 5) lack of self-control. It passed the criteria of content validity, construct validity, convergent validity, and discriminant validity at reasonable and acceptable levels and consistent with empirical data. The factor loadings of the components of maternal sense of control during childbirth were statistically significant. Each component had a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient that reflects good internal consistency. The entire scale had a relatively high Cronbach’s alpha coefficient,which was acceptable for a newly constructed scale. The structural reliability of both components and the whole scale was sufficient. This Maternal Sense of Control Scale during Childbirth can be used to research and improve the quality of nursing care for mothers during labor.
Keywords: Childbirth, Maternal sense of control, Scale development

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How to Cite
Phumonsakul S, Promneramit P, Wongsaros W, Gerdprasert S. Development of the Maternal Sense of Control Scale during Childbirth. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2024 Dec. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];30(3). available from:
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