Rehabilitation Exercise in Persons with Stable Heart Failure

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Ammarawadee Boonyarat


The purpose of this article was to review, analyze, and summarize research
studies and articles related to the benefits, guidelines, and methods of rehabilitation
exercise in patients with stable heart failure. The literature used for this article was
reviewed and selected from reliable evidence studies aiming to recommend practice
guidelines for rehabilitating stable heart failure patients. The review revealed that
rehabilitative exercise is reasonable and beneficial for persons with stable heart failure.
An appropriate and safe exercise includes three phases: 1) the warm-up phase, 2) the
conditioning phase, and 3) the cool-down phase. The criteria to recruit heart failure
patients eligible to follow this protocol were those who can perform functional ability
at the New York Heart Association (NYHA) class II-III, and 2) those who do not have
any apnea during resting or exercising period for at least 3-5 days prior to rehabilitation.
The type of exercise includes: 1) aerobic exercise, 2) resistance training, and 3) a
combination of aerobic exercise and resistance training. The goal of intensity is at the
low to moderate levels, 40% to 85% of maximum heart rate at exercise or 50% to 85%
of maximal oxygen consumption or the Borg Scale of Perceived Exertion as the score
of 12-16. The exercise duration should be 20 to 40 minutes. At first, the exercise
should take a shorter period of time. In another word, the exercise should last at least
10 minutes at the beginning and the duration and intensity of the exercise should gradually
increase until the target goal is reached. The frequency of exercise should be 3 to 7 days
per week and continuously done for at least 4 weeks. To be productive, in terms of
reducing the hospital readmission and mortality rates, persons with stable heart failure
should exercise for a continuous period of at least 6 months to 1 year and should be
under the supervision of healthcare providers who have knowledge in this area. This
literature review is expected to be useful to clinical application in educating, promoting,
supporting and caring for persons with heart failure to achieve better health status and
quality of life.

Keywords: Congestive Heart Failure, Type of exercise, Intensity of exercise,
Frequency of exercise, Duration of exercise

Article Details

How to Cite
Boonyarat A. Rehabilitation Exercise in Persons with Stable Heart Failure. Nurs Res Inno J [Internet]. 2018 Jul. 16 [cited 2025 Jan. 3];24(1):13-24. Available from:


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