Sleep Patterns in Adolescents with Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy between in Hospital and at Home

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Laddawan Supcharoenmark
Autchareeya Patoomwan
Jassada Buaboonnam


This descriptive study aimed to compare sleep patterns between hospitalization and at home in adolescents with cancer receiving chemotherapy. The purposive sample consisted of 30 adolescents aged 10-18 years old, diagnosed with all types of cancer,and hospitalized for chemotherapy in two tertiary hospitals. Data were obtained using demographic and clinical characteristics questionnaires and a sleep diary. Descriptive statistics, dependent t-test, and Wilcoxon-signed rank test were used to analyze the
data. The results revealed that most adolescents with cancer got into bed between 8:00-8:59 PM, which was similar between hospitalization and at home. Most of them woke up early between 5:00-6:59 AM, which was earlier than those at home between 7:00-
7:59 AM. The most-reported time of getting out of bed was between 7:00-7:59 AM for both in hospital and at home. When comparing sleep patterns during hospitalization with those at home, the results showed that sleep patterns were significantly different.
The hospitalized adolescents reported longer sleep latency, more night awakenings,longer total wake time after sleep onset, more daytime naps, longer total naptime, shorter total sleep time, poorer sleep quality, and less feeling refreshed after waking up. There
were no significant differences in time in bed trying to sleep after the final awakening,wake up time earlier than planned, and caffeinated drinks. These results demonstrate that it is imperative that healthcare professionals should be aware of the sleeping problems,assess sleep patterns, and plan interventions for promoting sleep quality among hospitalized adolescents receiving chemotherapy and while at home.
Keywords : Adolescent, Cancer, Sleep pattern, Chemotherapy

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How to Cite
Supcharoenmark L, Patoomwan A, Buaboonnam J. Sleep Patterns in Adolescents with Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy between in Hospital and at Home. Nurs Res Inno J [internet]. 2022 Apr. 22 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];28(1):44-58. available from:


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