Indexed in TCI
Editor: Prof. Dr. Noppawan Piaseu
Publication Ethics
The Journal of Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council (JTNMC) is owned by the Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council and managed by its Editorial Board. Committed to promoting best practices in publishing, the JTNMC supports editors, reviewers, and authors in fulfilling their ethical responsibilities while safeguarding against unethical influences and practices in academia.
To maintain and enhance the integrity of the scholarly record, JTNMC has adopted policies and procedures based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines, established in 2017. These guidelines ensure responsible and ethical conduct in scholarly publishing. Details on COPE CORE PRACTICE are suggested for further information.
Author Responsibilities
Before submitting a paper to JTNMC, authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscript is well-prepared, original, and free from plagiarism, data fabrication, and falsification. Duplicate submissions are strongly discouraged and considered unacceptable. Any conflicts of interest related to the research and publishing process must be transparently declared. Following COPE ethics, the authors' responsibilities include:
1. Originality and Plagiarism Authors must ensure that their work is original and properly acknowledge the ideas and contributions of others. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable. Upon submission and before the peer-review process, as well as after revisions, plagiarism will be checked using the journal's screening system and the COPYCATCH application supported by the Thai Journal Citation and Index system. The authors should be aware of any usage of words, figures, or ideas from others without appropriate acknowledgment or prior permission. The expectation for submissions to our journal is that they consist of genuine and original work for publication.
2. Data Access and Retention Authors may be requested to provide raw data from their research for editorial review and should be prepared to retain this data for a reasonable period after publication. Deliberate manipulation of research data and information is strictly prohibited. Data fabrication or falsification encompasses actions such as removing outliers or results, altering images and graphs, as well as modifying, adding, or omitting data points.
3. Multiple, Redundant, or Concurrent Publication Authors should refrain from submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals concurrently. Submitting identical research to more than one journal is deemed unethical publishing behavior. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their work has not been "published or under consideration" elsewhere, meaning they should avoid submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals, whether the duplicate submissions occur nearly simultaneously or years apart.
4. Acknowledgment of Sources Authors must appropriately cite the works of others, including publications, data, and ideas that have influenced their research.
5. Authorship of the Paper Authorship should be limited to individuals who have made significant contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All such individuals should be listed as co-authors. Authors must ensure that the submission has been approved by all co-authors and the responsible authorities at the institution or organization where the work was initially conducted.
6. Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest Authors should disclose any financial or personal relationships that may bias their work. All sources of financial support for the project must be revealed. Authors are required to ensure that the work being published does not contain any undeclared conflicts of interest.
7. Fundamental Errors in Published Works If an author identifies a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, they must promptly notify the journal editor and collaborate to retract or correct the paper.
8. Reporting Standards Authors must provide an accurate account of their research and its significance. Results should be presented clearly and honestly, avoiding fabrication, falsification, or inappropriate data manipulation.
9. Use of Animals and Human Subjects If the research involves animals or human subjects, authors must ensure that all procedures were conducted ethically and by applicable guidelines and regulations. The research project used for the manuscript submitted has been approved by the IRB. The ethical code must be addressed in the manuscript and the approval evidence can be provided when requested.
10. Peer Review Authors are expected to cooperate with the peer review process and address reviewer comments in a timely and appropriate manner. If they choose to withdraw their manuscript, they must promptly inform the journal editor.
Reviewer Responsibilities
Reviewers play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and integrity of the scholarly publication process, as they help uphold high standards within their academic community. The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) offers guidelines for reviewers to promote responsible and ethical conduct during the peer-review process. According to COPE ethics, reviewer responsibilities include:
1. Confidentiality Reviewers are required to treat all manuscripts received for review as confidential documents. They should not share or discuss the content with others unless granted permission by the editor.
2. Objectivity Reviewers must assess manuscripts objectively, fairly, and professionally. Personal criticism of the author is not acceptable. Reviewers should articulate their opinions clearly and provide supporting arguments.
3. Timeliness Reviewers are expected to complete their reviews within the given timeframe. If they are unable to meet the deadline, they should inform the editor and, if needed, decline the invitation to review.
4. Acknowledgment of Sources Reviewers should recognize relevant published work that the authors have not cited. If an observation, derivation, or argument has been previously reported, reviewers should provide the corresponding citation as a reminder.
5. Conflict of Interest Reviewers must reveal any conflicts of interest that may affect their evaluation of the manuscript. If any unbiased assessment cannot be provided, declining of reviewing is suggested.
6. Reporting Standards Reviewers are responsible for notifying the editor of any significant similarities or overlaps between the manuscript being reviewed and any other published work they are aware of.
7. Ethical Concerns Reviewers must inform the editor about any ethical issues they detect in the research, including potential misconduct, fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism.
8. Constructive Criticism Reviewers ought to offer constructive and thorough feedback that assists authors in enhancing their manuscripts. They should recommend solutions for addressing any identified weaknesses or limitations.
9. Maintaining Integrity Reviewers must refrain from using unpublished information from a manuscript under review for their own research or personal gain. They should uphold the intellectual property rights of authors.
10. Responsiveness Reviewers are expected to promptly address any inquiries from the editor for supplementary information, clarification, or further discussion related to their review.
Editor Responsibilities
Editors hold significant roles and responsibilities in upholding the integrity, quality, and credibility of published articBy with COPE ethics, editors' responsibilities encompass:
1. Fair and Unbiased Evaluation Editors appraise manuscripts according to their intellectual merit, ensuring impartiality and avoiding any form of discrimination.
2. Confidentiality Editors manage all submitted manuscripts confidentially by employing a double-blind review and peer-review process.
3. Transparent Peer-review Process and Timeliness Editors guarantee a timely, efficient, and responsive process by offering clear guidelines for authors and reviewers, outlining the submission, review, and publication procedures for authors, and ensuring that manuscripts are handled promptly and fairly.
4. Conflict of Interest Editors must avoid making editorial decisions if they have a conflict of interest concerning the manuscript in question. In such cases, they should delegate these decisions to another member of the editorial team or an independent reviewer.
5. Decision-Making Editors base their editorial decisions on the manuscript's quality, relevance, originality, alignment with the journal's scope, and adherence to its policies.
6. Addressing Ethical Concerns Editors undertake suitable actions, such as issuing corrections, retractions, or expressing concerns, to ensure that research published in JTNMC adheres to the highest ethical standards and complies with relevant guidelines and regulations. Issues related to authorship, plagiarism, and other forms of misconduct are also addressed.
7. Integrity of the Published Record Editors are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the published record by addressing concerns regarding published papers and issuing corrections, retractions, or expressions of concern as necessary.
8. Ensuring Quality and Integrity of Published Articles Editors guarantee that all manuscripts undergo a thorough peer-review process, and they properly address any identified issues or misconduct.
9. Managing the Peer-Review Process Editors are responsible for selecting suitable reviewers for each manuscript, ensuring a fair and unbiased review process, and managing any potential conflicts of interest that may arise during the review process.
10. Supporting Reviewers Editors are responsible for providing clear guidelines to reviewers, acknowledging their contributions, and fostering their professional growth.
11. Engaging with the Research and Academic Community Editors are required to actively engage with their research and academic community, promote ethical conduct, maintain high standards of excellence, and contribute to the ongoing development of their field.
Publication Fee - 5,500 THB (USD$185) per manuscript
The corresponding authors will be contacted shortly after an initial screening for the submitted manuscript is accepted and the reviewing process is ongoing for completion of the payment. The payment fee is non-refundable.
Please be informed that the JTNMC has no policy on fast-track publication. Journals require authors to submit well-prepared original articles that follow the journal's guidelines. The quality of the manuscript is evaluated and suggestions are made to improve the manuscript. The editorial board is committed to publishing high-quality works through a quality assessment process by experts in relevant fields.