
It is recommended to follow our "guide for authors" and "instructions" when you are preparing to submit your manuscript. The essential details of the Journal of Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council (JTNMC) are provided below. 

Journal of Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council (JTNMC) 

The JTNMC  is a Thai and English language, double-blind, peer-reviewed quarterly publication, and serves as the official journal for the Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council. 

Aim and Scope

The Journal of Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council (JTNMC) is an open-access, double-blind, peer-reviewed online journal that publishes articles in Thai and English on a quarterly basis. The JTNMC aims to promote the dissemination of contemporary and relevant articles to professional nurses both nationally and internationally. 

The JTNMC invites submissions of academic and research articles that reflect significant contributions to the nursing profession. We are particularly interested in articles demonstrating originality, advancement, innovation, and scientific merit. Our scope of publication covers all nursing specialties. We encourage contributions engaging with sub-fields that further enhance the profession's knowledge.


  • Patient care/ Health care
  • Care model/ Clinical practice guidelines/Innovation
  • Professional development
  • Nursing education
  • Nursing and health research

Types of manuscript

The JTNMC welcomes original research articles and review articles.

  1. Research Articles

    Original research articles demonstrate a systematic approach to investigating a phenomenon of interest, involving identifying gaps of knowledge, study objective, research design, data collection, data analysis, interpretation of results, and recommendation. Type of original research articles include quantitative research, qualitative research, mixed-methods research, and research and development.

  2. Review Articles

    Review articles present a comprehensive overview of existing research on a specific topic. The finding is established based on critically appraising and synthesizing various sources of evidence. The findings provide insight into the current state of the field as well as guide practice. Types of review articles include literature review, systematic review, and case report.


Submission process and guidelines

A summary of the JTNMC editorial process is given in the flowchart below. When submitting work for publication in the JTNMC, please adhere to the following recommendations. 

View the image in PDF


Submissions must be original, not previously published, or under review in other journals. Concurrent submissions to multiple journals are not allowed.


All individuals listed as authors must have significantly contributed to the academic work and agreed upon the content before submission. Authors are requested to be responsible for checking the content for plagiarism and ensuring proper citation of sources. Adherence to these guidelines is essential, as it aligns with the ethical standards upheld by the Thai-Journal Citation Index Center (TCI), which employs a system to detect plagiarism in submitted articles.

Plagiarism Prevention

To learn more about preventing plagiarism in academic work, please click here.

Graduate Student Submissions

Academic papers authored by graduate students must be accompanied by a signature from their supervising professor, confirming that they have read and reviewed the content before submission for publication.

Please note that submitting articles through the online system necessitates authors to review and complete a confirmation form addressing mentioned earlier, ensuring a comprehensive submission. Submission preparation checklists are also available on our website. 


Article Formatting

Essential formats

To ensure that the content of the journal articles can be accessible to readers at an international level, we encourage authors to include extended abstracts in both English and Thai, covering the research processes, results, and recommendations. Any figures or tables provided in the paper should be illustrated in the English language. It is highly recommended that authors carefully follow the submission instructions and guidelines and have their manuscripts professionally edited for content, grammar, and punctuation before submission. Failure to properly prepare the manuscript may result in the unavoidable rejection of the submitted article.

Please type articles in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman font size 12 point, on A4-sized paper, insert page numbers at the top right corner of each page's header, write out the full term before using abbreviations, use "lowercase letters" for the English language, except for proper nouns. Tables, figures, images, or diagrams within the manuscript pages must be in the English language. The article should be 10-15 pages long, excluding references. The extended abstract should not exceed 600 words.

Graphical Abstract

A graphical abstract is a clear and concise visual summary that presents the main findings of an article in a single image. This can either be the concluding figure from the article or a specially designed figure that captures the article's content for readers at a glance.

Download Template

English Manuscript Template for Quantitative Research (DOCX)

English Manuscript Template for Quanlitative Research (DOCX)

English Manuscript Template for Literature Review Article (DOCX)

Thai Manuscript template (DOCX)

Graphical abstract-TJONC (PPTX)

Citations and References

In compliance with the JTNMC regulations, authors should use the Vancouver system (Vancouver Style) for citations. It is essential to include up-to-date and pertinent references, with a maximum of 30 cited sources, about the article's content. More details on The Vancouver System for references and citations can be located from the link provided at

Submission process

Interested in submitting to this journal, we recommend that you review the "About the Journal" page for the journal's section policies, how to prepare your manuscript, as well as the "Author Submission". Authors need to register (User Manual ) with the journal before submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.

Assessment of Submitted Articles

Once the manuscript is submitted to our journal’s system, the quality of the manuscript will be initially assessed. Plagiarism from other sources will be checked and the correct format of the manuscript and reference lists specified in the author’s guideline is expected. Submissions that are deemed not appropriate for the journal after initial evaluations will be returned to authors without external reviews. If the submitted paper fails to meet those initial screening criteria, the journal will notify the author to make corrections within the specified period, typically within 3–5 working days. If no response or changes are received, it is unavoidable to inform the authors that the article is "not accepted for consideration” and specify the reason for not accepting the paper to the authors. 

The editor will start a preliminary assessment of the contents of the paper that should be within the scope specified by the Journal of the Nursing and Midwifery Council.  

The Double-Blind Peer reviewing process

The double-blind review process involves three experts who remain unaware of the author(s)' identity, and vice versa. This review period usually lasts 2-3 weeks. Reviewers offer feedback and recommend minor or major revisions. In cases where reviewers hold different opinions, the editor makes a final decision. Subsequently, the editor evaluates the overall feedback and presents a summary of suggested revisions for improvement to the author(s).

The acceptance or rejection of a manuscript will depend on the evaluation results of the three experts, who will provide suggestions on the quality and authenticity of the manuscript. The quality assessment of articles by qualified reviewers is classified into three levels including 1) appropriate to publish without further correction, 2) appropriate to publish but requires minor or major corrections as suggested, and 3) appropriate to reject publication. Once the experts send their review results back to our journal, the editors or the sector editor will consider the evaluation of all experts in detail.

Before the final decision is made, authors may be asked to revise their manuscripts. The suggested revisions may range from minor to major revisions. The summary of the evaluation results with suggestions for revisions will be sent back to the corresponding author via the ThaiJo system for revisions within a limited timeframe. This process will help to ensure that the articles meet the required quality standards for distribution to the public. It is recommended that the authors carefully consider the editor's suggestions, provide a summary and clarification of the revisions, and submit them back to the journal system. If the revision process is delayed beyond the suggested timeframe, the journal may need to prioritize other qualified articles for publication. 

The editor/section editor will check whether the author has made any further amendments as suggested. The number of revisions varies depending on the completeness of the paper. In general, the qualified manuscript required editing should not exceed three times. However, it can be flexible with reasonable information. If the amendment has not been made without reasonable grounds, the editor shall inform the author that the article submitted is "Declined for Publication" 

The final decision will be made by the editor. An official letter informing the corresponding author of the evaluation result, either acceptance or rejection for publication, will be sent via the ThaiJo system.

Please note that the Journal of Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council has no policy for fast-track publication.