Impact of Transitional Care Programme for Patients with Chronic Ischaemic Heart Disease on Health Behaviour and Risk of Recurrent Cardiovascular Events


  • จิราพร มณีพราย โรงพยาบาลกำแพงเพชร


programme for chronic ischaemic heart disease patients, transitional care, healthcare behaviour, motivating, assessment of risk of recurrent CVD events


Objective: To study the impact that a transitional care programme could have on
chronic ischaemic heart disease (IHD) patients’ health behaviour and risk of recurrent
cardiovascular events.
Design: One-group quasi-experimental research with a pre-test and a post-test.
Methodology: The sample was 77 IHD patients treated at the Cardiology Clinic of Kamphaeng Phet Hospital. The subjects were recruited based on the inclusion criteria. All the subjects participated in the transitional care programme for chronic ischaemic heart disease patients, which was developed based on Meleis et al’s Concept of Transition. The subjects’ healthcare behaviour was assessed three times: before programme participation, in the sixth month of the programme, and during the one-year follow-up period. Their risk of recurrent cardiovascular events was assessed twice: before programme participation and during the
one-year follow-up period. The entire research period lasted from January 2018 to April 2019.
Data were collected using 1) a healthcare behaviour questionnaire; 2) a clinical data recording form; and 3) the cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk prediction tool developed by the University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands. Healthcare behaviour comparison was performed using Repeated Measure ANOVA, and the risk of recurrent CVD was calculated using Chi-Square Test.
Result: The participants demonstrated signifcant improvement in the following aspects of healthcare behaviour: treatment preparation, food consumption, exercise, emotion management, and abstinence from smoking. Their improvement was evident in all of the three assessment periods: before programme participation (p = .000), in the sixth month of the programme (p = .000), and during the one-year follow-up period (p = .000). The patients’ risk of recurrent CVD was also signifcantly decreased (p = .001), with abstinence from smoking, systolic blood pressure, and HDL levels identifed as controllable factors.
Recommendations: The transitional care programme for chronic ischaemic heart disease patients increased treatment effcacy by motivating patients to improve their healthcare behaviours and control risk factors, thereby reducing the risk of recurrent cardiovascular events. It is suggested that this programme be clinically implemented in the future.


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How to Cite

มณีพราย จ. Impact of Transitional Care Programme for Patients with Chronic Ischaemic Heart Disease on Health Behaviour and Risk of Recurrent Cardiovascular Events. J Thai Nurse midwife Counc [internet]. 2020 May 7 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];35(2):15-31. available from:



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