Factors Predicting Severity of Physiological Deterioration among Sepsis Patients in Emergency Department


  • Phoomin Doungsuriya คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
  • Wallada Chanruangvanich Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University.
  • Prangtip Chayaput
  • Orapan Thosingha


age, comorbidity, ADL ability, physiological deterioration severity, sepsis patients


       Objective: To study factors predicting the severity of physiological deterioration among sepsis patients treated in an emergency department
       Design: Predictive correlational design
       Methodology: The sample was 189 sepsis patients classified into levels 1 to 3 according to Healthcare Region 4’s triage system and treated in the emergency department of a tertiary hospital. The data collection instruments consisted of a demographic questionnaire, Charlson’s Comorbidity Index (CCI), Barthel Index (BI), and the National Early Warning Score (NEWS2).The predictive power was analysed using the enter-method multiple regression coefficient, with the significance level set at .05.
       Results: Of the sepsis patients included in this study, 54% were female, 50.8% were aged between 65-85 years (average 68.35, SD = 14.94), and 83.6% had perceived their symptoms for 24 hours or more. The majority of the patients (74.1%) needed immediate assistance at triage level 1. About half (49.21%) of the sepsis cases involved the respiratory system, with highly severe physiological deterioration detected in as many as 82.5%. A predictive analysis revealed that the age of ≥ 65, comorbidities, and ADL performance were
jointly capable of predicting 13.5% (p < .05) of physiological deterioration severity.
       Recommendations: Nurses should conduct thorough assessment of sepsis patients’ ages, comorbidities, ADL ability, and physiological deterioration severity in the triage process, to ensure prompt and appropriate treatment for the patients in accord with the healthcare service development plan


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How to Cite

Doungsuriya P, Chanruangvanich W, Chayaput P, Thosingha O. Factors Predicting Severity of Physiological Deterioration among Sepsis Patients in Emergency Department. J Thai Nurse midwife Counc [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];36(03):134-50. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TJONC/article/view/249655



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